Eco Friendly Toys for children

Eco Friendly Toys for children

Now it’s getting towards that gifting time of year, Christmas for those that celebrate it, it’s time to hunt out eco friendly toys for children. It is much easier than it used to be as more and more companies are getting on board with the idea of saving our children from chemicals, as well as … Read more

Swaps to reduce waste

Time for change Swaps to reduce waste

We can all help in the fight against waste, all it takes is a few swaps here and there to start making a difference. It can also save you money too. Some might need an original outlay for re-usable products but once bought, they just keep on giving. That alone is a good incentive to … Read more

Are Soy Candles safe

Soya enchanted square candles - Rose

The easy answer to the question of are Soy Candles Safe? is a simple one to answer. YES!   From an article in the Independent. Read HERE! The UK is one of the world’s biggest scented candle markets, with British people spending a massive £90 million on them every year. However they have been identified … Read more

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